Gta 3 hidden package map
Gta 3 hidden package map

gta 3 hidden package map

on a building off the side of ramp to the bridge to shore side vale (jump off the side of the ramp) 47. In the alley that connects to 8 Balls, in a garage across from the pay n spray 44. South East side of the construction site 43. In the Columbian Cartel Garage (you need a cartel cruiser to enter) 42. On top of the bridge on the East side of the island (accessible by walking up the girders) 41. North East side of the construction site 40. At the South entrance to the Coliseum 38. On Top of the Hospital (accessible Via climbing on an ambulance and jumping on the roof) 37. On the Northeast side of the Coliseum 36. Behind Phil Cassidy's Army Surplus Store 35. On the Island south of Portland (only accessible by boat) Staunton Island 34. At the far end of the pier in Atlantic Quays 33. Behind the Turtle Head Fish Co in Callahan Point (you need a sanitation vehicle or turtlehead fish van to access the compound) 32. (Use the van by the chain link fence, jump on it over the fence and run around the building to access the roof) 31. In Front of the Power Plant in Callahan Point (use the bridge to jump on the ledge to get to it) 30. On the roof of The building at the Portland Docks (accessible via stairs in the back and jumping to the other building) 27. On the roof of Liberty Pharmaceutical in Trenton (accessible Via the train tracks) 26. Inside the fence of the Bitch 'N Dog Food Factory in Trenton (run down the fence) 25. In the alleyway behind in Chinatown behind Roast Peking Duck 24. On a roof in chinatown (accessible via stairs in the back) 23. In an alleyway in Chinatown, behind Hong Hung Inc 22. On the Roof of the Supa Save in Portland View 21. In the base level of the Rush Construction Company in the red light district (drive through the window) 18. In the subway's bathrooms in chinatown (not accessible till you open Staunton Island) 17. On the roof opposite of Sex Club 7 (via stairs) 16. On the roof of sex Club 7 (use the stairs in the back) 15. On the roof of the building next to Sex Club 7 in the red light district (use the stairs in the back) 14. In a small parking lot just south of the Amco gas station that has package #3 11. In a planter near the El burro phone in Hepburn Heights 9.

gta 3 hidden package map gta 3 hidden package map

In Hepburn heights, behind the towers building. On the rocks to the southeast of package #5, just above the beach 7.

Gta 3 hidden package map