Bows with Guidance or Abilities such as Magic Shot are some of the examples. A: There are numerous ways to accomplish this, but the easiest and most effective way is to use ranged weapons with the Enhancement ‘Guidance’ or long-ranged.Q: How do I kill monsters hanging on walls or ceilings?
Also, synthesizing equipment with a White Potion will delete all Enhancements attached to it.
Depending on the size of the Red Potion, you can delete one or more Enhancements from bottom-up.
A: Yes, this is possible by synthesizing a Red Potion with the target equipment. Q: Is it possible to delete and add other status effects/Enhancements that are already attached to items? Duane, especially, has many Abilities and equipment that rely on Luck. It also increases the chance of Abilities synthesized to your weapon to erupt, and also increases many other chance factors that work to your advantage. It increases the success rate of item synthesis and decreases the amount of gold spent in the process. A: Luck affects virtually every aspect of the game play. It is also possible to set up private voice chat with players on your friend list via Xbox Guide. When you enter sessions made by other players, or others enter your session, you can start voice chat right away. A: Connect your headset to the controller. You can create almost infinite combinations for synthesis, so try experimenting in various ways! Synthesis is combining two items to get an improved result, which is possible only by talking with the Idols. A: The item synthesis menu can be seen when you talk to an Idol at the Sanctuary. If you’re referring to item-dropping for the sake of trading with others, this can be done by using the item trading method mentioned above. We advise you to sell the unwanted items in your inventory to Idols at the Sanctuary, but if you’re pressed for time, press the X button in the inventory menu to destroy them quickly. A: In KUFCOD, you cannot drop items on the floor. Please note that item trade cannot be done if you are under attack. Choose the target player using the D-Pad and press X button while holding down the D-Pad to activate the item trade menu. A: Use the D-Pad to activate the multiplayer menu. Q: Is item trading among players available? Once you defeat the final boss of the game with Celine in the Normal difficulty mode, Curian will be unlocked for play. A: Initially, you cannot choose Curian. If we receive numerous requests for such a feature, it is possible that we may provide it as an update after an agreement is reached with Microsoft®, who is the platform holder. A: KUFCOD does not support the PvP feature at the moment. It is possible to choose which Idol to meet by changing in-game time (by moving to other areas, sleeping, or using special items sold by Idols which can change the moon phase). A: There are 3 different types of Idols and one of them will appear depending on the moon phases.